St. Gemma Galgani

St. Gemma Galgani
"What would have become of me, if I have not had Her?" -St. Gemma

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Genesis 3

Selected Lectio Reading:
Genesis 3


As I read the beginning of this passage I realized that the Apple could represent gossip in a way. The serpent or Satan spreads evil/apple to Eve, who in return gives it to Adam. Adam takes it obvious that this apple was from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In society today we can take and spread things without knowing they are evil and hurtful. And as the gossip spreads someone can be dehumanized or something can become a joke. But just as Adam and Eve are caught, one unlucky person gets caught spreading something they should not be spreading and they have consequences. Luckily for Adam and Eve, the serpent was quickly caught. There are a lot of times, however, where the wrong person is caught and the rumor has spread too far for that person to identify the original culprit.


Lord, that you for true and kind people. Without them, we are doomed. Thank you for the kind people you have put in my life. Thank you also the unkind people that have passed as well. They have taught me that I am kinder than I think and how never to treat someone.

Oratio/Prayer Intention:

Dear Lord, please protect those around me from rumors and gossip. Please also give me the strength to never spread anything rude and to never dehumanize anyone.

Quote of the Day:

“We must welcome the future, remembering that soon it will be the past; and we must respect the past, remembering that it was once all that was humanly possible.” -George Santayana

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Genesis 1-2

Selected Lectio Reading:
Genesis 1-2


When the birth of women is described, God says, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner." (Gen 2:18) Then reading on I saw that no bird or beast was found suitable for man. God was specially looking for a helper and he could not find that among the animals he searched. So he made women for the man. At first, when I saw that God was looking for a helper, I looked at it from the perspective of women being a slave to man. However my view changed when I looked over it a couple times. I realized that women was a "helper" in many different ways including, helping him keep himself sane as well as never longing for someone to be with forever. Men can love so deeply that everything else does not become important anymore. Women was supposed to be there with him through all the trials and tribulations that he would endure. And men have the same role as the women.


Lord, thank you for my gifts. Thank you for giving me so many talents and for seeing so much in me. You have given me hope and love through these gifts. And there is nothin more I shall want.

Oratio/Prayer Intention:

Oh God, I pray for my friend of seven years who is burdened by the loss of her dog which she had a strong connection with. Please givde her the strength to continue with her good schoolwork and to keep filling her with joy.

Quote of the Day:

"I have not lived a good life, my love, but please know that it was softer with you in it." - Unknown

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Psalm 23: The Divine Shepard

Selected Lectio Reading:
Ps 23


Since David was a shepherd, he's looking to the Lord as his shepherd. And just as the sheep lie down and eat in the pasture, so David is trusting God to take care of him. It reminds me that I need to trust God with everything, even the hard stuff. Because if he feeds the sheep, he will take care of me. I need to remember that if he lead David down the right path, he will do the same for me if I ask. My biggest thing is that I need to remember to ask.


Lord, this week I thank you for my friends. They are my anchors and hold me together with such power and love. I  am forever grateful for sending me comfort and happiness.

Oratio/Prayer Intention:

I pray for my family, Lord. I pray that they will each find their way to eternal happiness and to you. I ask that you guide me through rough moments and open my eyes to your grace. Amen.

Quote of the Day:

"Rome is built on ruins and is quite breathtaking; what makes you think you can't be too?" -Unknown