St. Gemma Galgani

St. Gemma Galgani
"What would have become of me, if I have not had Her?" -St. Gemma

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Exodus 21-24, 32-34

Selected Lectio Reading:
Exodus 21-24, 32-34


In Exodus 33, there is a side of God we don't think about too often. God loves us so much that no words, nor actions, nor thoughts can describe it. Where the Israelites are, there is a tent that Moses should use to talk to God with. God would come down in the form of a cloud and talk to Moses. "This the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend." (Exodus 33:11) Usually, when we think of God, we see Him as a kind ruler who only intervenes when he has to. Though God may not talk to all of us, he can speak through others. He also speaks through the Bible. And the reason that He may not interact with us is because He wants us to find our own way. He gave us the gift of free will and he doesn't intend to mess with that.


I am thankful for my sister and her boyfriend, for their healthy relationship has shown every much.

Oratio/Prayer Intention:

God, I ask that you lead us in the right direction and that you carefully look after all those who do not feel 100% and can't even get out of bed.

Quote of the Day:

"When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which had been your delight." -Kahlil Gibran

Exodus 15-20

Selected Lectio Reading:
Exodus 15-20


Humanity's faith in God has always dwindled. We never truly trusted God, or even ourselves for that matter. Even Moses was wary in the beginning. However, Moses learned to trust God and completely put his faith in Him. In Exodus 17, after all that God has given to the people, the Israelites don't trust God or even Moses. An Israelite said, "'Why did you bring using of Egypt, to kill us and our children and livestock with thirst?'" (Exodus 17:3) Miracle after Miracle, God works to show us how mighty He really is. Now some people start to see this and fully put themselves into their faith, but the majority do not.

Today, there are many people, including Catholics, that do not trust in God. We put our money or something other than God first. Most of this is caused by our society that weighs on us heavily. However we must put out faith in Him, that he will provide for us like He always does.


I am thankful for the gift of music, which will calm my soul until I die.

Oratio/Prayer Intention:

Lord, please look after us in the kind way you do. Especially look after all the people who are disabled in some way, that they may be touched by your pure love.

Quote of the Day:

"I don't believe in pop quizzes. They're mythical like ponies and joy." -Mr. Crane