St. Gemma Galgani

St. Gemma Galgani
"What would have become of me, if I have not had Her?" -St. Gemma

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Romans 8

Selected Subject:
Romans 8:1-13


Romans talks about the differences between the flesh and spirit. It says that if we just use our bodies and only have concern for them and not our souls, we cannot please God. This is because God has said that we are not bodies but spirits, our bodies are shells for for our spirit to thrive in. However, a middle ground is proposed in verse 10 saying, “But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is alive because of righteousness.” This allows for the idea that we are not completely holy and not completely evil. But if we slip into our bodily desires more, the middle ground is lost and we become slaves to our flesh and we lose connection with God. Yet, the Lord knows of our imperfections, and this is why he continues to be with us even though we may mess up once in a while. And so all he desires is that we try our best to live as virtuous as possible, letting our flesh and spirit work together.

Recently, my theology class discussed St. Paul’s idea of how the flesh and the spirit are different, but when harmonized, they become, in a sense, compatible. St. Paul describes the flesh as our impulsive and irrational sense, filled with fears and desires we would follow without a second thought if we didn’t have our spirits to guide us. Our soul is described as our rational side that plans for us and tries control our bodily impulses and desires into something healthy for us. And as mentioned above, we should act upon good and virtuous things instead of letting our bodies control and corrupt us.


I am thankful for my sister, who has helped me grow considerable amounts in the past couple of years.

Oratio/Prayer Intention:

For all those who struggle with the winter season this year, whether it be the cold, the danger, or any other issues.

Quote of the Day:

"How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." -Winnie the Pooh

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