Selected Subject:
Romans 8:1-13
Romans talks about the differences between the flesh and spirit. It says that if we just use our bodies and only have concern for them and not our souls, we cannot please God. This is because God has said that we are not bodies but spirits, our bodies are shells for for our spirit to thrive in. However, a middle ground is proposed in verse 10 saying, “But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is alive because of righteousness.” This allows for the idea that we are not completely holy and not completely evil. But if we slip into our bodily desires more, the middle ground is lost and we become slaves to our flesh and we lose connection with God. Yet, the Lord knows of our imperfections, and this is why he continues to be with us even though we may mess up once in a while. And so all he desires is that we try our best to live as virtuous as possible, letting our flesh and spirit work together.
Recently, my theology class discussed St. Paul’s idea of how the flesh and the spirit are different, but when harmonized, they become, in a sense, compatible. St. Paul describes the flesh as our impulsive and irrational sense, filled with fears and desires we would follow without a second thought if we didn’t have our spirits to guide us. Our soul is described as our rational side that plans for us and tries control our bodily impulses and desires into something healthy for us. And as mentioned above, we should act upon good and virtuous things instead of letting our bodies control and corrupt us.
I am thankful for my sister, who has helped me grow considerable amounts in the past couple of years.
Oratio/Prayer Intention:
For all those who struggle with the winter season this year, whether it be the cold, the danger, or any other issues.
Quote of the Day:
"How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." -Winnie the Pooh
Emma Oakes' Thoughts
St. Gemma Galgani

"What would have become of me, if I have not had Her?" -St. Gemma
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Matthew 21
Selected Subject:
Matthew 21:23-27
In our society today, it has become difficult to look at things from another perspective. Hate and horrid actions surround us, and pull us into uncertainty of whether to conform to society or to stand up for what we believe, which can be multiple beliefs. In this scripture passage, the chief priests and elders question Jesus about who gave him the authority to teach—what they believe to be false—and continue to act as Jesus does. Jesus gave the priests and elders a question to help them understand, “‘Where was John’s baptism from? Was it of heavenly or of human origin?’” (Matthew 21:25) They answer back confused, because if they say one or the other, their authority will be questioned as well. Finally, they admit to Jesus that they do not know which one it is. Jesus responds, “Neither shall I tell you by what authority I do these things.” (Matthew 21:27)
I absolutely love that Jesus responds with both an attitude, yet freedom of belief. Jesus does not force them to believe he has the authority, he lets them use their free will and decide for themselves. Freedom to choose is seen in John 18:37, when Pilate questions Jesus. Pilate asks Jesus if he is the King of the Jews, and Jesus simply replies, “You say I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth.” He still gives Pilate the freedom of choice in whether to believe him or to deny him. I think this is missing in our society today. We no longer have the freedom to choose what we believe in, we can no longer think for ourselves as we may be seen as different, weak, or unintelligent. So perhaps instead of forcing people to mold into our own ideals, we should let them be free so that they don’t become oppressed.
I am very thankful for the opportunities that have been given to me.
Oratio/Prayer Intention:
Praying for all those who are or feel constantly oppressed by the people and/or the society around them, that they may find peace and freedom.
Quote of the Day:
"There is something beautiful about a billion starts held steady by a God who know what He is doing." -Donald Miller
Matthew 21:23-27
In our society today, it has become difficult to look at things from another perspective. Hate and horrid actions surround us, and pull us into uncertainty of whether to conform to society or to stand up for what we believe, which can be multiple beliefs. In this scripture passage, the chief priests and elders question Jesus about who gave him the authority to teach—what they believe to be false—and continue to act as Jesus does. Jesus gave the priests and elders a question to help them understand, “‘Where was John’s baptism from? Was it of heavenly or of human origin?’” (Matthew 21:25) They answer back confused, because if they say one or the other, their authority will be questioned as well. Finally, they admit to Jesus that they do not know which one it is. Jesus responds, “Neither shall I tell you by what authority I do these things.” (Matthew 21:27)
I absolutely love that Jesus responds with both an attitude, yet freedom of belief. Jesus does not force them to believe he has the authority, he lets them use their free will and decide for themselves. Freedom to choose is seen in John 18:37, when Pilate questions Jesus. Pilate asks Jesus if he is the King of the Jews, and Jesus simply replies, “You say I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth.” He still gives Pilate the freedom of choice in whether to believe him or to deny him. I think this is missing in our society today. We no longer have the freedom to choose what we believe in, we can no longer think for ourselves as we may be seen as different, weak, or unintelligent. So perhaps instead of forcing people to mold into our own ideals, we should let them be free so that they don’t become oppressed.
I am very thankful for the opportunities that have been given to me.
Oratio/Prayer Intention:
Praying for all those who are or feel constantly oppressed by the people and/or the society around them, that they may find peace and freedom.
Quote of the Day:
"There is something beautiful about a billion starts held steady by a God who know what He is doing." -Donald Miller
Friday, December 9, 2016
Selected Lectio Reading:
One of the most needed things in the world is world peace and truth. We can get these things through God if we repent. But there are many people who think of repentance as a stupid idea. This is the case in the book of Amos as well. Many countries, including Israel, were very sinful but did not want anything to do with repentance. God was furious with the people for this, but he never stopped loving them. He told them to repent many times and tried to help the people. However, they would not listen so God had to make a hard decision. He gives reasons saying, "But you have turned justice into poison and the fruit of righteousness into wormwood... Indeed, I am raising up against you a nation." (Amos 6:12,14) Even hearing all of this, the people did not repent. Then God did raise people against them over and over. They definitely didn't want to rely on God whatsoever. But things have changed and we should repent and love God with all we can.
I am thankful for my Catholic faith and for being raised Catholic by my parents.
Oratio/Prayer Intention:
Please help everyone taking finals and those who have already taken their finals.
Quote of the Day:
“Even when life turns out different than what you’ve planned, it’s always better to try and fail than to wonder what could have been.” -Kirsten Hubbard, Wanderlove
One of the most needed things in the world is world peace and truth. We can get these things through God if we repent. But there are many people who think of repentance as a stupid idea. This is the case in the book of Amos as well. Many countries, including Israel, were very sinful but did not want anything to do with repentance. God was furious with the people for this, but he never stopped loving them. He told them to repent many times and tried to help the people. However, they would not listen so God had to make a hard decision. He gives reasons saying, "But you have turned justice into poison and the fruit of righteousness into wormwood... Indeed, I am raising up against you a nation." (Amos 6:12,14) Even hearing all of this, the people did not repent. Then God did raise people against them over and over. They definitely didn't want to rely on God whatsoever. But things have changed and we should repent and love God with all we can.
I am thankful for my Catholic faith and for being raised Catholic by my parents.
Oratio/Prayer Intention:
Please help everyone taking finals and those who have already taken their finals.
Quote of the Day:
“Even when life turns out different than what you’ve planned, it’s always better to try and fail than to wonder what could have been.” -Kirsten Hubbard, Wanderlove
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
1 Samuel 1-3, 8-11, 16-17
Selected Lectio Reading:
1 Samuel 1-3, 8-11, 16-17
I feel that there are a lot of people today in society that look down at others that listen to music for comfort or constantly so they can be distracted from things. This isn't a thing in Genesis 16. Saul's servants suggest, that when he tormented by an evil spirit from the Lord, that he find a superb lyre player to distract him and chase away the spirit. Now, a theory is that these spirits were Saul's own conscience and so the music would calm his thoughts into happiness. David became the lyre player in the end and Saul came to love him very much for his doings. So, "And whenever the evil spirit from God came upon Saul, David took the lyre and played it with his hand, and Saul would be relieved and feel better, and the evil spirit would depart from him." (1 Samuel 16:23)
There are many people, including myself, that turn to music as an outlet from our daily lives. It can be either making music yourself, or just listening to it. However, it seems that people tend to see these individuals as people who don't care and would rather not be social. Sometimes this is the case, but other times a family member or someone can be rude to another and so this person will listen to music to avoid their words. Or someone could be having terrible thoughts of their own attack them, so they rock out to their favorite song and dream of something different. All the while, the people around them tell them to stop ignoring their family members or to "man up" and "deal with it". Well to you people who think someone is rude when they have their headphones in constantly, look at what your saying or what's happening to them. Don't be a son of a bacon bit and unnecessarily scold them for coping with their life or I'll find you and punch the ever loving strawberry cheesecake out of you.
I am thankful for the gift of music, instruments, and those who make the music as well.
Oratio/Prayer Intention:
Lord, please give me the strength in need in life to protect my friend and myself. Keep those who make beautiful music safe and give them inspiration. And give nice thoughts to those who drown in their own depressing ones.
Quote of the Day:
“Her sentences were icebergs, with just the tip of her thought coming out of her mouth, and the rest kept up in her head, which I was starting to think was more and more beautiful the longer I looked at her.” -Gregory Galloway, As Simple As Snow
Special Song Suggestions: (these are all quiet and soothing songs but choose anything you like)
-any song written by Fahrenhaidt
-Thistled Spring by Horse Feathers
-Anchor by Novo Amor
-Drift by Kim Janssen
-It's Okay by Land Of Talk
-Atlas: Touch by Sleeping At Last
-The Wisp Sings by Winter Aid
-Circling by Nils Frahm
-Your Hand In Mine by Explosions In The Sky
-any classical music
1 Samuel 1-3, 8-11, 16-17
I feel that there are a lot of people today in society that look down at others that listen to music for comfort or constantly so they can be distracted from things. This isn't a thing in Genesis 16. Saul's servants suggest, that when he tormented by an evil spirit from the Lord, that he find a superb lyre player to distract him and chase away the spirit. Now, a theory is that these spirits were Saul's own conscience and so the music would calm his thoughts into happiness. David became the lyre player in the end and Saul came to love him very much for his doings. So, "And whenever the evil spirit from God came upon Saul, David took the lyre and played it with his hand, and Saul would be relieved and feel better, and the evil spirit would depart from him." (1 Samuel 16:23)
There are many people, including myself, that turn to music as an outlet from our daily lives. It can be either making music yourself, or just listening to it. However, it seems that people tend to see these individuals as people who don't care and would rather not be social. Sometimes this is the case, but other times a family member or someone can be rude to another and so this person will listen to music to avoid their words. Or someone could be having terrible thoughts of their own attack them, so they rock out to their favorite song and dream of something different. All the while, the people around them tell them to stop ignoring their family members or to "man up" and "deal with it". Well to you people who think someone is rude when they have their headphones in constantly, look at what your saying or what's happening to them. Don't be a son of a bacon bit and unnecessarily scold them for coping with their life or I'll find you and punch the ever loving strawberry cheesecake out of you.
I am thankful for the gift of music, instruments, and those who make the music as well.
Oratio/Prayer Intention:
Lord, please give me the strength in need in life to protect my friend and myself. Keep those who make beautiful music safe and give them inspiration. And give nice thoughts to those who drown in their own depressing ones.
Quote of the Day:
“Her sentences were icebergs, with just the tip of her thought coming out of her mouth, and the rest kept up in her head, which I was starting to think was more and more beautiful the longer I looked at her.” -Gregory Galloway, As Simple As Snow
Special Song Suggestions: (these are all quiet and soothing songs but choose anything you like)
-any song written by Fahrenhaidt
-Thistled Spring by Horse Feathers
-Anchor by Novo Amor
-Drift by Kim Janssen
-It's Okay by Land Of Talk
-Atlas: Touch by Sleeping At Last
-The Wisp Sings by Winter Aid
-Circling by Nils Frahm
-Your Hand In Mine by Explosions In The Sky
-any classical music
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Judges 6-8
Selected Lectio Reading:
Judges 6-8
In Judges 6, God allows the Israelites to be conquered by the Midianites for the people had forgotten about God. But yet again, the Israelites cry out to God for Him to save them from their suffering. God hears them and calls a man named Gideon to be the Israelites leader. One of his tasks is to destroy the Altar of Baal, which his townspeople worship heavily. Gideon follows God's orders and destroys the altar. The townspeople become so enraged that they wish to kill Gideon. But Gideon proves their god is fake and the people follow him. Then, Gideon and his army save the Israelites from the Midianites. They follow God and are loyal to him until Gideon dies. It seems like once they lost their leader, they crumble and fall back into sin.
It seems like we can do that sometimes as well. We see a person that we like or love and we follow them. But when that person leaves, we crumble and fall into sin.
I am thankful for God'd faith in me, as well as others putting their faith in me.
Oratio/Prayer Intention:
Oh God, please lead me on the right path so that I may love and worship you and do what you intend me to.
Quote of the Day:
“It’s strange how your childhood sort of feels like forever. Then suddenly you’re sixteen and the world becomes an hourglass and you’re watching the sand pile up at the wrong end. And you’re thinking of how when you were just a kid, your heartbeat was like a kick drum at a rock show, and now it’s just a time bomb ticking out. And it’s sad. And you want to forget about dying. But mostly you just want to forget about saying goodbye.” -Beau Taplin
Judges 6-8
In Judges 6, God allows the Israelites to be conquered by the Midianites for the people had forgotten about God. But yet again, the Israelites cry out to God for Him to save them from their suffering. God hears them and calls a man named Gideon to be the Israelites leader. One of his tasks is to destroy the Altar of Baal, which his townspeople worship heavily. Gideon follows God's orders and destroys the altar. The townspeople become so enraged that they wish to kill Gideon. But Gideon proves their god is fake and the people follow him. Then, Gideon and his army save the Israelites from the Midianites. They follow God and are loyal to him until Gideon dies. It seems like once they lost their leader, they crumble and fall back into sin.
It seems like we can do that sometimes as well. We see a person that we like or love and we follow them. But when that person leaves, we crumble and fall into sin.
I am thankful for God'd faith in me, as well as others putting their faith in me.
Oratio/Prayer Intention:
Oh God, please lead me on the right path so that I may love and worship you and do what you intend me to.
Quote of the Day:
“It’s strange how your childhood sort of feels like forever. Then suddenly you’re sixteen and the world becomes an hourglass and you’re watching the sand pile up at the wrong end. And you’re thinking of how when you were just a kid, your heartbeat was like a kick drum at a rock show, and now it’s just a time bomb ticking out. And it’s sad. And you want to forget about dying. But mostly you just want to forget about saying goodbye.” -Beau Taplin
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Joshua 1-6
Selected Lectio Reading:
Joshua 1-6
People, like prostitutes, these days are usually never looked at as if they could be forgiven for their actions. We look at them and see dirt or filth. Others rarely care for them or "forgive" them. In Joshua 2, a prostitute, named Rahab, hides two of Joshua's men. The men are being hunted down for spying on the land. However, Rahab hid them on top of their roof and gave them instructions to escape. In return, she asked or her and her family to be spared when the Israelites came to attack the city. The men agreed and told her to hang the crimson rope they used to escape outside her window. When the Israelites go to attack, Joshua keeps the promise and tells the people, "'Only Rahab the prostitute and all who are with her in her house shall live, because she hid the messengers we sent.'" (Joshua 6:17) Rahab and her family lives in Israel still.
Here it is shown that God and his people can forgive anyone's actions and never stop loving them. Though Rahab may have done some terrible thing with her life, it did not matter to the Israelites when she saved two of their people. She was kind and received kindness in return. Those are true people to keep in ones life, for they will not judge you for your past actions but take you as you are now.
I am thankful for good friends who can love me no matter what I do or say to them. I am thankful for isle who have stood beside me for the longest time.
Oratio/Prayer Intention:
Oh Lord, I ask that you may look over one of my friends. Please help her struggle to become less stressful and give her the strength to always keep fighting.
Quote of the Day:
"Creatures are not born with desires unless satisfaction for those desires exists. A baby feels hunger: well, there is such a thing as food… If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." -C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity
Joshua 1-6
People, like prostitutes, these days are usually never looked at as if they could be forgiven for their actions. We look at them and see dirt or filth. Others rarely care for them or "forgive" them. In Joshua 2, a prostitute, named Rahab, hides two of Joshua's men. The men are being hunted down for spying on the land. However, Rahab hid them on top of their roof and gave them instructions to escape. In return, she asked or her and her family to be spared when the Israelites came to attack the city. The men agreed and told her to hang the crimson rope they used to escape outside her window. When the Israelites go to attack, Joshua keeps the promise and tells the people, "'Only Rahab the prostitute and all who are with her in her house shall live, because she hid the messengers we sent.'" (Joshua 6:17) Rahab and her family lives in Israel still.
Here it is shown that God and his people can forgive anyone's actions and never stop loving them. Though Rahab may have done some terrible thing with her life, it did not matter to the Israelites when she saved two of their people. She was kind and received kindness in return. Those are true people to keep in ones life, for they will not judge you for your past actions but take you as you are now.
I am thankful for good friends who can love me no matter what I do or say to them. I am thankful for isle who have stood beside me for the longest time.
Oratio/Prayer Intention:
Oh Lord, I ask that you may look over one of my friends. Please help her struggle to become less stressful and give her the strength to always keep fighting.
Quote of the Day:
"Creatures are not born with desires unless satisfaction for those desires exists. A baby feels hunger: well, there is such a thing as food… If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." -C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Exodus 21-24, 32-34
Selected Lectio Reading:
Exodus 21-24, 32-34
In Exodus 33, there is a side of God we don't think about too often. God loves us so much that no words, nor actions, nor thoughts can describe it. Where the Israelites are, there is a tent that Moses should use to talk to God with. God would come down in the form of a cloud and talk to Moses. "This the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend." (Exodus 33:11) Usually, when we think of God, we see Him as a kind ruler who only intervenes when he has to. Though God may not talk to all of us, he can speak through others. He also speaks through the Bible. And the reason that He may not interact with us is because He wants us to find our own way. He gave us the gift of free will and he doesn't intend to mess with that.
I am thankful for my sister and her boyfriend, for their healthy relationship has shown every much.
Oratio/Prayer Intention:
God, I ask that you lead us in the right direction and that you carefully look after all those who do not feel 100% and can't even get out of bed.
Quote of the Day:
"When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which had been your delight." -Kahlil Gibran
Exodus 21-24, 32-34
In Exodus 33, there is a side of God we don't think about too often. God loves us so much that no words, nor actions, nor thoughts can describe it. Where the Israelites are, there is a tent that Moses should use to talk to God with. God would come down in the form of a cloud and talk to Moses. "This the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend." (Exodus 33:11) Usually, when we think of God, we see Him as a kind ruler who only intervenes when he has to. Though God may not talk to all of us, he can speak through others. He also speaks through the Bible. And the reason that He may not interact with us is because He wants us to find our own way. He gave us the gift of free will and he doesn't intend to mess with that.
I am thankful for my sister and her boyfriend, for their healthy relationship has shown every much.
Oratio/Prayer Intention:
God, I ask that you lead us in the right direction and that you carefully look after all those who do not feel 100% and can't even get out of bed.
Quote of the Day:
"When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which had been your delight." -Kahlil Gibran
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